Purple Up! for Military Children

APRIL 18, 2022

You often hear about military spouses and the sacrifices they make for their significant other who is serving, but what about military children?

April is the Month of the Military Child, but April 15th is specifically geared at honoring them with Purple Up! Day. 

Purple Up! Day began in 1986 when former Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger acknowledged that servicemen and women are a “sum of their parts” including their spouses and children. He believed that military families should be honored because they are a life-line to those who are in the service. 

The color purple was chosen for  this observance because of the military phrase, “purple suit.” It refers to a military activity or organization that includes civilians and/or multiple branches of the military. Purple is also used for this day because it is said to be the mixture of all the service colors. 

Military children may relocate frequently – having to start over in new places with new people, more than once a year. They endure long lengths of time away from their parents (oh yeah, I know you cry at those school cafeteria reunification videos too.) They do all of this and more, and are often overlooked

Operation Not Alone invites you to wear purple every Friday in April with us to empower and acknowledge military children!

Matilda Cretens